Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Run Sheri Run....

Well it's official, I'm registered for my first 1/2 marathon. Last year it was my goal to run one but after hurting my ankle/heel it sort of went out the window. It's a trail run (with hills), in June, so I really have to get my butt in gear. My workouts have mostly revolved around heavy lifting and very little cardio these past few months and that is all about to change. I'm going to have to be running at least 3 days a week, with one long run every weekend, and I'll still continue strength training.
So I wanted to share this with everyone as a way to keep myself accountable. This only gives me 2 months to train for something that I really haven't done in a while. And the way the course is mapped out, all of the 1/2 marathon participants do the 10k loop twice. So, it's easy to just run 6 miles and say forget it I'm done. I don't want that to be the case.
I almost bought new running shoes this past weekend and I'm glad I didn't cuz I'm going to need trail shoes! The trails that the race is taking place at are now open and I'm hoping to be out there on the weekends, let me know if you ever wanna join in on a weekend run! 13.1 (why the .1?) miles here I come ;-)

Friday, March 2, 2012

A few of my favorite things...

Just a random list of my favorite foods, recipes, ideas, workouts, people, & places to find inspiration.
Spaghetti squash is the best pasta alternative. Other gluten free options are brown rice pasta & quinoa pasta

Quinoa is pretty similar to brown rice in appearance & texture, it is gluten free & high in protein

Think thin bars are great for a meal on the go if you don't have time for a proper meal. High in protein & no sugar

Almond milk is great for anyone who wants to be dairy free or is lactose intollerant. But be sure to stay away from the versions that are high in sugar.

Sythna6 is my fav protein powder, only 2 grams of sugar & great flavors

These rock
This is a great book for anyone who wants to eat clean but doesn't know where/how to start
Little b aka Brittany has a great collection of amazing and easy recipes on her blog Little b's Healthy Habits

For anyone who says they don't have time to workout, this is my answer Body Rock TV

And for those who can make it to the gym, but just don't know where to start Bodybuilding.com is a great resource!

For daily inspiration I follow quite a few amazing people on facebook, some of my favorites are Fierce Forward, Jamie Eason, and Vanessa Tib. There are a ton more but these ladies are always posting pics, great advice and food ideas. It's pretty motivating to see their status updates in my newsfeed.

One thing that I think is most imporant if you are serious about making a lifestyle change is to get out there and so some discovering for yourself. Everything I have learned about or tried I discovered by just using all the resources out there that are available. You kind of have to just dive right into it all and learn as you go.