There are obvious health benefits to being fit. Everyone knows it's beneficial to them to keep their bodies in motion and eat clean. Not everyone does it but we all know it's what's best for us. I know for myself personally I'm in the best shape I've ever been in but this new lifestyle has given me something else that is even more important to me. It's given me a confidence and happiness within myself that I don't think I've ever had. Sure I've always been a happy person, but this is different. I spent a lot of years disliking my body, when I was at my heaviest I felt disgusting and hated seeing pictures of myself. I let myself get to a really low place and I felt like I was trapped there forever. I think it will take me a while to fully get over being overly judgmental of my body, but where I am now compared to where I used to be are MILES apart. The self confidence this fitness journey has given me is the best gift I could have given myself. Life is too short to spend it being sad and unhappy, when you have the power to change it.
Obviously trying on clothes is way more fun now, there is so much I can buy and wear that I never would have in the past. But the best shopping trip since I've lost weight was shopping for my wedding dress. Not to sound like I'm totally full of myself, but even the dresses that I thought were ugly and I didn't like, still looked good on me haha. It made my decision hard because I liked the way a lot of things looked on. The dress I ended up picking is gorgeous. I'm head over heals about it and it has all those little details I wanted. It is also something I probably would have never picked prior to my weight loss. I don't even know if I would have been willing to try on this particular fit/style. The new me, feels amazing in it.It's still a process, it always will be. The inner me and outer me aren't exactly on the same page yet, but I'm so much happier now. And I have myself to thank for it. I made the change, I put in the work, I have chosen to continue on this new road, to challenge myself with my workouts, to eat clean and to live fit.
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