A little over a month ago I was planning on walking away from crossfit. The time I've been at CFS has been amazing but I told myself that I needed to be saving and cutting back in areas that I could. I told myself that even though I loved crossfitting it would be something I would sacrifice for the time being. And then a couple weeks ago Steve texted me saying that I should stay. He told me that I shouldn't give up something that I loved so much. That spending that little extra a month was worth it because I was so happy. How awesome is that to have him be so encouraging about it?? I never WANTED to walk away from it, but I guess part of me was feeling guilty about the monthly cost. But sometimes when you're passionate about something, it's worth it.
So now I've gone from ending my crossfit membership to staying, and competing. Yup that's right, signed up for my first competition! Hercules Crossfit Bayside Beatdown. I really needed a way to push myself, I needed something extra to dig deep for. So now I have the next two months to seriously train before the event. I'm excited and nervous and ready to just start spending a lot of time in the gym. I let myself have my final cheats over the weekend and now it's on like donkey kong. My goal through this is to be in the gym at least 5 days a week. Sunday's to train specifically for the comp, add extra cardio throughout the week, eat paleo, and cut out alcohol.
I knew the competition would be a good way to push myself to where I want to be and posting my training goals will help keep me accountable.
I'm tired of just coasting along, eating good some days, eating like crap others, skipping the gym because I'm too lazy. I needed a push. So be prepared to follow along with me these next two months as I prepare...
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