Thursday, September 8, 2011

My Recent Adventures...

Oh boy, lots of updating to do here!

Well, first backpacking. I don't think there's really a good way to plan everything out 100% for an area you've never hiked through and when you aren't really sure what to expect. Saying that I think we did a pretty good job. What was supposed to be 3 days of hiking turned into only 2 (partly because we're crazy and the other part because we had no where to camp). We got a late start on day 1 and didn't end up hiking all the way to Mt. Tallac, we sort of went up and around it and then camped for the night at the most mosquito infested lake I've ever been to. These blood suckers were mean, and deet did not scare them! After being attacked by them again the next morning we were off to Lake Aloha. Day 2's hike was BEAUTIFUL. We got to see so many amazing things, take some great pictures, and even hike through SNOW. We took a long lunch once we got to Lake Aloha and soaked up the sun and scenery.
Lake Aloha, lunch spot

Well after lunch we realized there was no way we would be able to camp out at Aloha. There was snow (so it would be freezing) and it was way to rocky and really no where to set up tents. So we were off to find another campsite along the way. We walked and walked and walked and ended up reaching Lake Echo which was our destination for the following day, only to discover there was no where to camp their either. By this time it was around 5 or 6 pm, I personally was HUNGRY and tired and my feet were aching. We pushed through it and hiked another 2 miles to the lodge where our car was parked. We ended up camping at Camp Richardson the remander of our trip and ate at Applebee's and had pizza delivered to our campsite. Who does that? Haha.

My backpacking trip was followed up by a week in Vegas and then a busy Labor Day weekend. I was well aware that Vegas was going to = some major slacking in the fitness department but heck its VEGAS and we only live once. So I indulged, and probably a little too much because some days I felt like a balloon about to pop! We managed to get in one great workout one of the days but that was it. We got some sun, ate what we wanted, drank what we wanted, and just had a great time overall.
Night 1: the nachos I ate at Margaritaville

The fun (and terrible eating) continued once we got back. Family parties, football, Giants game...more food, more drinks, more fun. I thought for sure I had gained 10lbs, but somehow by the grace of the fitness fairy I managed to not gain a single pound during my week long foodfest...phew!
But now I'm back on track, back to striving to eat clean every day at every meal. And this week I started a new 12 week trainer. In the past I've mentioned that I'm a big fan of and fitness model Jamie Eason. Well they got together and put together an amazing program that I hope will help get me to the next level. The entire 12 weeks is planned out for you, daily workouts, meal plans, grocery lists, It's pretty great anyone at any level can do it.
Check it out!!

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