Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Get your mind right

I haven't gotten a workout in since Friday and my lack of physical activity is definitely effecting me. My mind just isn't right when a workout isn't part of my daily routine. I'm more tired than usual and I'm grumpy. How weird is it that not being active can make you MORE tired?? I wanted to go tonight after work but of course forgot my gym clothes and then realized there isn't even a 630pm class tonight, ugh. But I can't keep letting the days go by and letting myself feel worse and worse, so I'm hoping Steve will help me put together a little home wod that I can do in the garage. It's better than nothing right?
The weeks we have the kids make working out a little harder. Steve and I both can't go to the 5am class and going to the 630pm class means not being there to make dinner and help out with after school stuff. We've found ways to make it work before but it does require creativity and a little extra effort. So I guess I've just let myself get lazy this week and make excuses. But I just can't take feeling like this anymore, working out is hands down the best way to relieve stress and feel HAPPY. :-)
My mind is also flustered because I just realized how close my 1/2 marathon is. Only two weeks from this coming Saturday. Honestly I don't care how long it takes me I just want to finish it, to be able to say that I did it. It's been a goal for a long time, and I want to see it through. But I'll be honest, I'm feeling pretty intimidated. I haven't trained much running wise. I've just been crossfitting and made it to pena adobe once or twice to do the tower run. I feel like my body is capable, I KNOW my body is capable, but is my mind? The way the course is set up you are pretty much doing a 6 point something mile loop twice. So once you do one lap you cross the finish line, but to do the full 13.1 you've gotta keep going and do it all over again. It would be so easy to just drop right there and call it a day. But how crappy would you feel later on knowing you didn't do what you had set out to do?
I'm pretty much just in need of an attitude adjustment. It's not just the fitness stuff that I'm struggling with. I don't know if it's because of not working out or if I just need to check myself but I've just been out of it lately. Self doubting, and expecting too much of others and myself. Definitely not an attitude of gratitude. I'm glad I can at least realize it and admit it even if I'm not really sure how to fix it. Maybe a glass of wine? Haha jk, let's see if my home wod can do the trick!

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