Thursday, May 31, 2012

thirteen point freakin one...

So Steve and I were having a discussion last night about our crossfit experience the last two months. He asked me how I felt about the way I was training now v.s. being at a traditional gym like 24 hr fitness. All I had to do was pull up my sleeve and flex my bicep haha. Not a single "arm day" in two months, no curls, no tricep extensions and there is a significant difference in muscle definition. I have definitely gained muscle in just 8 weeks. Not only have I gotten better at certain crossfit workouts I once SUCKED at but I'm also lifting heavier than when we first started. But what's more significant to me than that is what crossfit has given me mentally. I am not only doing things that I never thought I would, but I'm gaining more and more confidence with each workout. On memorial day CFS did the hero wod "Murph." Run 1 mile, 100 pull ups, 200 push ups, 300 squats, run 1 mile. I did that! It sounds rough, but you know what, it felt amazing! When I was done I felt like if I could get through that I could get through anything. I would have never had the confidence to do murph before crossfit.
It also helps to be surrounded by so many amazing people and a kick ass coaching staff. As a female it is so motivating to be around so many strong women. Who not only push themselves but also push and encourage the rest of us and eachother. Everyone wants to see everyone else succeed, you really can't beat that.

My half marathon is coming up THIS SATURDAY. And while I really haven't been distance running to train, crossfit has given me the confidence I need to know I can get through it. I've had a couple doubters here and there which pushes me more, but I feel ready. My legs are strong from squating, my endurance is up from burpees (& the 6000 meters I rowed yesterday!) and my mind is strong from the encouragement I've received and the physical changes I see. Now I just need to set up my ipod and I'll be good to go! Let's do this!

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