Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Get Outta Your Mind

"Get outta your mind, get outta your mind" Haha that damn Lil Jon song is forever in my head, It always comes on during workouts. Yesterday was a "rest" day, so I went and ran for an hour. I really did just want to sleep, but I also really don't want to come in dead last at the half marathon I'm running. I even ran today after our 5am WOD. I'm really beginning to wonder if there will ever come a day that I'm NOT going to be sore. The bruises are awesome, I love battle wounds, but the tight achy muscles make me feel old. 
This is me, running with 35lb bar (gave me a nice bruise). First "real" WOD.
My first few "real" WOD's have been humbling. Here I am thinking, I won't really have to scale down much, I'm strong. HA! Today I had to lift the lightest out of everyone in class for the sake of being able to not only make it through the workout but to be able to just get the hang of things. Hopefully Steve doesn't kill me for talking about him for a second. He wanted to RX the weight so he went for it, he killed it for a few rounds but eventually had to take weight off to make it through the full workout. There's no shame it what he did, he went for it. He however is the brave one of the two of us, and timid me just wasn't prepared to kill myself they way he was lol. Even with my measly  45lbs I still was FEELING it. Who am I kidding, once again the warm up had me sweating.
Another thing I've learned is that I SUCK at jumping rope. Wall balls are not my friend, and I'm really not too fond of box jumps either, but jumping rope makes me cringe. So now I need to go out and buy a jump rope and practice so I don't look like such an idiot.
It sort of sounds like I'm complaining and you are probably wondering what the heck is wrong with me. Before I joined crossfit I went through various stages of how I felt about it. 1.) That seems badass, I wanna try. 2.) Snoody crossfitters 3.) I wanna check it out. 4.) Too damn expensive. 5.) Ok, we're gonna do this! 6.) I drank the kool-aid and I feakin LOVE it. 
I love everything about it, I love that it's hard, it's new, workouts make me nervous, jump rope makes me angry, burpees kill me, but the people are awesome, the trainers are awesome, and knowing that the longer I do it the BETTER I'll become is awesome. I honestly don't think you can grasp, understand, really know what crossfit is about until you try it. And I don't see how anyone could try it, and not love it.

Paleo is going surprisingly well. I'm trying to get as creative as possible so I'm not getting bored with what I eat and so far it's all been good. I may just keep rolling with it for longer than the 30 days. Especially now that I've found so many awesome recipe sites. I bought almond butter the other day but have yet to try it because I have no idea what to do with it lol. Maybe I'll just eat a spoonful out of the jar, why not?
For those of you who may be new to my blog or reading for the first time (who am I kidding, no one reads this) check out my first few posts from last year. I've come a long way, proof that it's possible to change your life without the help of a magic pill or crazy fad diet.