Sunday, January 16, 2011

A day of rest

Cheat meals and rest days are clearly going to be hard pills for me to swallow. In my mind I had thought that I would be ok with eating foods not in my plan if the occasion called for it. I mean I work my ass off all week long so whats it going to hurt? I can tell myself that all I want, but living it is another story. Last night I partied with my bff's fam. I ran and did p90x legs & back yesterday so I burned some serious calories and wasn't too worried about indulging a little. Now alcohol is one of those things I've given up, but it was a party, and who can say no to Tarantula tequila?! Tisk tisk. I munched on snacks so when dinner came I really wasn't hungry, which worked out well. I was able to try a little portion of everything but I wasn't sitting there licking my plate clean. However, after I learned what was in the INCREDIBLE mac and cheese I had just taken a few bites of, I knew there was NO WAY Sunday would be a rest day.
I woke up this morning had my bowl of Fiber One bran cereal with banana slices, watched a couple episodes of Four Weddings, and was just trying to relax and enjoy my morning. But all I could think about was what I had eaten last night. I knew I wouldn't feel better if I didn't get in some sort of workout today. So I dragged myself off my comfy spot on the couch and sweat it up on the elliptical for 40 minutes. If I hadn't of done that I would have been thinking about it all day. So now I'm wondering if I'm going to be able to let myself have rest days. I know its really something my body needs, I mean these workouts I'm doing 6 days a week are no joke. Right now my number one priority is to get in shape in the healthiest way possible, so that I can show people that it CAN be done with some hard work and maybe I need to practice what I preach and REST.

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